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Bierges avenue des Bouvreuils 21 - 1301


In the heart of the famoust "Domaine d'Angoussart"In the heart of the famoust "Domaine d'Angoussart", family villa, perfectly oriented southwest and nestled in a quiet little valley. The living room, in "Travertin", is decorated with a beautiful open fire in France stone, the dining room is decorated with old beams. A large kitchen, a separate office, 5 bedrooms, a loft and 2 bathrooms, this perfectly maintained home boasting a new boiler, make very functional house. You can enjoy the garden with a swimming pool and a pool house, through beautiful windows that make the house very bright. This semi-detached house also has a good energy performance coefficient.

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Soort huis:Villa Gebouwd in:
Aantalgevels: 2 Gevelbreedte:
Woonoppervlakte:275 Perceeloppervlakte:1200
WC: 1 Aantal badkamers:
Garage: Zolder:
Terras: Aantalwoonlagen:
Tuin: Locatietuin:

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